The APP® logo you see on our website stands for our membership with the Active Polyphenols Association

The association consists of a group of researchers that are performing research and development on Active Polyphenols. These are nothing but plant secondary metabolites, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins, stilbenes, and important organic acids. As plants are immobile, often they encounter potential enemies such as herbivores, predators, microbes, viruses, or competing plants. Added to this, they also face abiotic stress conditions such as salt, draught, or high intensity light. So naturally they need some defence mechanism or a group of compounds to fight against above. They are looking to establish a rating system for food products and the amount of polyphenols present will be classified as APP® in milligrams per 100 grams.

The logo of Active Polyphenols is trademarked and trusted by multiple researchers and consumers around the world. The international research group led by The Experiment Company is investigating the effects and amount of measurable polyphenols in food products. Honey is one of the super foods they have targeted for their scientific research and they have already had some great succes. We support research and development and therefore carry the APP rating on our label which indicates the amount of measurable active polyphenols as identified by this research group.

If you buy honey with the APP rating system displayed you are supporting research. Zealandia Honey® being a member of the active polyphenols association🌿 is supporting research and development on our food products. So far the research group has concluded that plant related polyphenols donate an electron to free radicals, thereby reducing their reactivity. What makes polyphenols unique is that they can donate an electron without becoming reactive free radicals themselves. The Experiment Company has identified that certain food products contain these types of polyphenols, which are measured in bioactive compounds.

For more information feel free to visit the APP® official website at: